A few of you have asked about Lola and her reaction to my diagnosis. Since today is her 16th birthday, I thought I’d take the opportunity to celebrate all things Lola.
This is my girl, Lola.
After a lifetime of wanting a dog, we brought Lola into our family in 2004. My mom would never let me get a dog as a child because, rightly, she thought she would have to do all of the dirty work. After I moved out I lived in apartments, which was not an ideal place to raise a pup. Shortly after buying out house, an IKEA coworker had a dog who was pregnant and thus the Lola love story began.
Lola is happiest when J and I are together with her. If we are in separate areas of the house, she often paces trying to bring us to the same place. She doesn’t sleep well if one of us is away. She compliments our family so well.

I speak of her casually as my baby and once a library coworker thought that Lola was an actual baby. It was cute because I was working two jobs at the time, transitioning from IKEA to the library, and this woman felt so bad that I had to work so much with a baby at home. We had a good laugh when we discovered the misunderstanding.
Lola is a trooper. She has been with us through thick and thin – J’s car accident and her own back injury. She was with me as I grieved my dad and also when we welcomed babies into our extended family. We’re all a little older than we once were, a little grayer and with creakier bones, but Lola has stuck with us the whole time.
I think Lola knew I was sick before I did.
I started working from home shortly before my diagnosis. I thought Lola was glad to have the company during the day. She was my shadow. My home office is in my guestroom and Lola just made herself at home on the bed while I worked. She was my shadow. If I got up to use the bathroom, she followed. In hindsight, though, I think she knew something was different with me.
Lola takes good care of me. She snuggles in with me every day when I take a nap. She barks at anyone in our general vicinity. She wanders through the background of my Zoom meetings. It is very clear who is in charge of the house and they do not walk on two legs.
When people meet Lola, they regularly sing to her. I never realized how many songs were written about Lolas.
Lola was named after the Kink’s song, Lola, but two other songs often come to people’s mind. Some people sing Barry Manilow’s Copacabana – “Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl…”
My dad always sang “Whatever Lola Wants” from Damn Yankees to her – appropriate since Lola is quite spoiled. She sleeps in our bed, often hogging far more space and blankets than her little stature needs. J built her custom ramps up to the bed and sofa after she tweaked her back several years ago. Lola has a pretty amazing life.
Happy Birthday, Lola
Today, let’s celebrate by singing Happy Birthday to her. She is the best hound a girl could ever wish for. Happy sweet 16, Lola. I hope you enjoy your day of napping, bites of steak and some good snuggles. (Sorry, you’re not getting a car.)

She deserves her own steak 🥩
So happy she’s been there for you!
What would we do without our babies🦮the good lord surely new what he was doing when he blessed us with them.
Hope all is going well for you! I know Jacob and Lola
are taking good care of you. xoxo 😘 to you all