

It’s been a while since I’ve written here, but there hasn’t been much to write about. Things have quieted as far as my cancer goes. I had my last Keytruda treatment a few weeks ago. I have my first annual mammogram next week. I also get my port out next week. Remember my fears about…



Eek!  How has it already been a month since I wrote an update?  I guess I have been busy feeling better and having fewer appointments.  Oh, and busy growing hair! My trips to Seattle are down to once every three weeks and that is for my Keytruda – none of those nasty chemo chemicals.  I…



I didn’t realize it until after, but I thought things would be different after my surgery.  I saw it as a transition between before and after.  Before and after what? I’m not sure, but it was significant.  And surgery was a big deal, but now that it’s over I feel that post-Christmas letdown.  There was…

Surgery and Beyond

Surgery and Beyond

This is it. The big enchilada. On Wednesday, I have my surgery. If you will remember from my previous posts, all of this medical stuff is new for me. Until now, the biggest procedure I underwent was getting my port for treatment. That was a big, scary deal for me. This surgery is bigger. I…

Feeling Better

Feeling Better

I have been done with my AC chemo for almost 3 weeks (1 1/2 cycle) and I am starting to feel much like myself again. Over the last 5 months, treatment has caused a ton of changes to my daily life. Overall it wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated but I am so very…

Long Term

Long Term

Hi, friends.  Thanks for all of your kind words and support since I last wrote.  I’m feeling much better this week. Last time was rough and I was depressed.  I don’t know if it was the chemo, the steroids, the state of the world, or just the chemistry in my brain being off but I…

Cranky But Okay

Cranky But Okay

I’m tired and cranky and I don’t want to do this anymore. I want the Doctor to come in their TARDIS and take me to the future. It doesn’t have to be far, maybe a year, and I promise I won’t Back to the Future anything – I just want this done. I think the…

One Month

One Month

One month from today, I will have my last chemo treatment *. This journey won’t be over in one month, but a big part of it will be. One more month until I stop going to Swedish weekly. One more month until my immune system starts to rebuild and my hair starts to come back….



It feels odd to be writing about timing while living through cancer and COVID.  While I do not believe that everything happens for a reason, I am a strong believer that things tend to work out.  While I didn’t always recognize it at the time, a lot of things have timed themselves well for me…