One Month

One month from today, I will have my last chemo treatment *.

This journey won’t be over in one month, but a big part of it will be. One more month until I stop going to Swedish weekly. One more month until my immune system starts to rebuild and my hair starts to come back. One more month until I’m closer to normal.

I still have surgery and radiation ahead of me, but the biggest part of my treatment will be done in one month. I still can’t wrap my head around it, but it gives me hope that an end is in sight.


I really don’t have much to report for updates. I had my second AC treatment and it went much better than the first. I think it was the anti-nausea medication that I was taking that made me feel so awful. I tried a different one this time and didn’t have any crazy dreams or stomach problems.

The smoky air has me feeling not great, but hopefully it will pass this weekend. I don’t think I can ever remember a time when EVERYONE in Washington wanted rain. The smoke makes my chest feel heavy and my head all foggy. I spend most of my time in my basement, hiding from the smoky air, because it is better insulated than the upstairs. Fingers crossed for rain ASAP.


While the world is literally on fire, some good things have happened.

One of my library friends almost lost her house to the Sumner grade fire. The fire made it as far as her back fence. It is terrifying to think that something like that could happen 15 minutes away from my house. They had very little notice, but all of the people and pets were safely evacuated before they were in danger. You can see a video from one of the firefighters here.

Also, last week, another library friend got married. It was a long journey for her to get to this point, both personally and logistically. Logistically she had to re-plan her wedding around COVID and social distancing. Then there was the smoke from the wildfires, so she had to quickly tweak her plans even further.

Marriage, Flower, Purple Flowers, Bouquet Of Flowers

I got to attend the ceremony virtually and it was just beautiful and heartwarming and a bit funny. It was lovely to have something happy to cry about. If she and her partner can make it through the planning and adjusting their wedding through quarantine, I feel certain that there is nothing that can thwart their love.

That’s All Folks

That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ve got a more introspective blog floating around in my head, but I wanted to give you all a quick update until then. Keep sending me your positive vibes for the home stretch of my treatments and take care of each other.

*Of course there is a disclaimer: one month barring any sickness, immunity issues or further natural disasters / pandemics / 2020 craziness.

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  1. It sounds like you’ve made it to the top and will now start to decent slowly. My thoughts and prayers are always with you! Stay positive and stay the course soon hope the ride will come to an end and you can get off
    Love ❤️ you

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